Workshop Yoga To Awaken Your Mind - For Health And Healing

Doorlopend | Utrecht
Day 1 of a series of 3 yoga workshops on Embracing THE Wisdom OF THE BODY with Simon Low.

This first session will feature a series of circular and spiral movement patterns, gentle and focused pranayama, restorative asana, and meditation practices to attune our head brain’s potential beyond the basic thinking mind.

These new movement patterns, with their attention to detail, cultivate the foundations for neuroplasticity, resulting in improved health and healing as we work this weekend toward reducing the tendency to rely on the distortions of the thinking mind.


Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de openingstijden op de website van de locatie zelf.


Price: €89
YACEP: 6 hours CE (Yoga Alliance continuing education).


Croeselaan 209
3521 BN Utrecht (Utrecht)
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