Workshop Awakening The Wisdom Of Your Heart Brain

Doorlopend | Utrecht
Day 3 of a series of 3 workshops on Embracing The Wisdom Of The Body with Simon Low. a Day of Yin & Yang - Aligning our Three Brains Towards Unity: Explore gentle somatic sequences and dynamic vinyasa including a series of strengthening asana modified for safer and more effective use within yoga practice. Followed by Simon’s renowned interpretation of Yin Yoga interlaced with pranayama and meditation to awaken the heart brain and align our three brains into a sense of wholeness, harmony and unity.


Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de openingstijden op de website van de locatie zelf.


Price: €89
YACEP: 6 hours CE (Yoga Alliance continuing education).


Croeselaan 209
3521 BN Utrecht (Utrecht)
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