Workshop The Beauty Of Moving 11 Free

During this course we look for different ways to give as much expressiveness as possible to the lines that you eventually put on paper. The emphasis is not only on transferring knowledge and skills, but there is also attention for your individual creative process, which can provide a nice insight into your own way of moving.

This workshop is included in the "1+1 Gratis NAAR Cultuur" initiative by the City of Amsterdam.

Register sending a email to voucher@treehousendsm. com and get 1 ticket for free with your purchase.

Date: Feb 25rd Time: 14h-15h Price: €35,- (1 ticket + 1 FREE.


Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de openingstijden op de website van de locatie zelf.


Price: €35,- (1 ticket + 1 FOR FREE)



T.t. Neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam-Noord (Noord-Holland)
Telefoon: 0648166966
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