Basics Of Watercolour 2-day Workshop

Join artist Ossa Kierkegaard and explore the results and differences of using wet paint on wet paper and a wet brush on dry paper, for example. You will also learn how to build a piece from light to dark tones.

Register by contacting Ossa via email de website subject ‘watercolour’.

The course will be given in Dutch or English depending on the participants.


Controleer voor een bezoek altijd even de openingstijden op de website van de locatie zelf.


Price: 60 euro - Included: watercolour paper, primary watercolours + black and white
Not included: a watercolour brush (a squirrel round #14 brush with a fine tip is suggested) and a graphite pencil (2B/4B).


T.t. Neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam-Noord (Noord-Holland)
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